A few changes here at tHe KrAzY KiTcHeN

As we hit our 2 month anniversary, we here at tHe KrAzY KiTcHeN realize how fortunate we are to have grown so fast and to have developed such a wonderful following. We encourage you to join in our memes as often as you can as we share many cultural and tasty treats with each other.

We are going through a bit of re-organization here at tHe KrAzY KiTcHeN. In our rearrangement Martha from Menagerie will be moving to Monday to host her new appetizer meme and girlichef will be joining us on Saturdays to host Simple Saturday.

girlichef has many passions: family, food, music, photography, travel, books and reading. She’d love to take a culinary tour of the world, bit by bit, morsel by morsel ~ connecting, learning, sharing, forming new friendships ~ and she dreams of an extended stay in Italy. She loves to learn and strives to use both her formal culinary training and her everyday experiences to understand and create food. Please stop by and give a big hearty welcome to girlichef and check out her new Saturday meme, Simple Saturday here at tHe KrAzY KiTcHeN.