Today’s prompt is gifts. Homemade, store bought, gift cards… What do you prefer?  What are your thoughts about each? I do buy gifts and have even done gifts cards, but prefer to never do gift cards because they just aren’t personal enough for me.

Over the years I have made everything, and I do mean everything at one time or another to create a handmade Christmas. I’ve made rolls and rolls of butcher paper into wrapping paper, cut grocery bags into handmade tags, made enough fudge, cinnamon rolls, candies and cookies to feed a small country, as well as jams, jellies, soup mixes and Snowman soup!

My award winning jams were requested one year at the Church Christmas Boutique and I ended up selling there for another 10 years before we moved.  Now I make just enough for gifts for neighbors and family.  I started making Snowman Soup about 20 years ago for the girl scouts and it was a HUGE seller at our gift wrap days and later for the Church Boutique.

Several years ago I missed the big Christmas Crafts Festival at the fairgrounds because of an ice storm, but I’ve tried to be at every one since! Alas, it didn’t happen this year because of the pandemic.  I did get some homemade Brownie mixes made for neighbors this year.
For the things I don’t make myself, I am at least buying from local crafters. I did buy several gorgeous handmade wooden spoons this year at a local shop.  They were made by a 94 year old lumberjack. And no, that was not a typo. He’s still traipsing the woods at 94 years old working heavy machinery and then picking up scraps to wood work at home for his side business.  He uses everything from maple to mrytlewood.
As for receiving, I love ANYTHING handmade.  I’m a BIG believer that it’s the thought that counts and that caring action ALWAYS touches my heart though I’m partial to cotton crocheted dishcloths, my brothers photographs, my mom’s quilted totes and ANYTHING food.

I love it if someone thinks about me enough to give me any gift at all, love homemade food gifts. I imagine you give amazing gifts all the way around. I joined in again today though I’m not (surprise, ha not really) on topic with the gifts, maybe tomorrow.


Aw thanks I do try to make them personal! I’m like you, just glad they thought of me and wanted to do something special. Homemade are the gifts I cherish year after year.

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