For me, stuffing stockings is one of my favorite things to do. I’m always on the look out for special little items that I tuck away ALL year long waiting for just this day.
Since the kids are grown, hubby gets my FULL attention and he hates it 😀 (sort of) because he says he isn’t as good at reciprocating the stocking process. But, he tries hard and is getting better at it every year. EVERY year though he complains about having to actually make things ‘fit’ into something stocking shaped. So, we bought new “bag” style stockings.
We have stopped “BIG” presents to each other so the stocking is our “main” or “BIG” present. We did convert to these larger “bag” stockings and we individually wrap the presents inside the “stocking” for more fun. I found these cute bags at Marshalls a couple years ago. These bags are soooooo much easier!!This year though hubby’s “BIG” present came in the form of an idea and project from a friend who is also a neighbor and they are helping me with a scavenger hunt to their house where he will eventually find the project. 😀
In the past I donated most of our leftover wrapping resources to our local Eagles Lodge for their charitable endeavors and the float they decorated for the parade. So, it was fun to pick out some new wrapping papers this year.
These are stocking stuffer pictures are from the last few years.

As for a WISH list, it gets smaller every year – we really do NOT need anything!