I was able to get ALL my errands done quickly and completely yesterday so had time to whip up this favorite side with dinner last night.

5 LARGE russet potatoes, peeled and shredded
4 ounces Gruyere or Baby Swiss cheese, shredded
1 LARGE bunch green onions, minced
2 garlic cloves, minced
3 eggs, lightly beaten
16 ounces Mexican sour cream**
1/3 cup butter, melted
FRESH ground sea salt and black pepper
1/2 cup sliced almonds

  • Preheat oven to 350°.
  • Grease baking dish and set aside.
  • In a large bowl toss together the shredded potatoes, green onions, garlic and shredded cheese.
  • Whisk together the eggs, sour cream and melted butter.
  • Season egg mixture with FRESH ground sea salt and black pepper.
  • Pour egg mixture over potato mixture and toss to coat evenly.
  • Spread mixture into prepared baking dish.
  • Sprinkle almonds evenly over potatoes.
  • Bake uncovered for 1 hour until cooked through and turning golden.

**NOTE: Darigold makes a Mexican sour cream that has a nice kick to it. Plain works well too if you can’t find it.