Country Bob’s All purpose Sauce Product Review & Giveaway

Earlier this week I was contacted by a nice man from Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce and asked if I would be interested in doing a product review. I said I’d love to. In just 2 days time a box was on my stoop with bottles of sauce and recipe brochures. I had this little niggling in my brain though. I could not figure out why the name of this sauce sounded so familiar. I tried to find the sauce locally and failed until I finally found it at a Walmart store 30 miles away. You have to remember I live rurally for the moment. That is when it occurred to me where I had heard the name before. I had won a cookbook awhile back over at Forgetfulone, but was never able to prepare any of the recipes because I couldn’t find the sauce.

As you can see from all the slips of paper sticking out of the top of the book I had marked a multitude of recipes to try and now I finally can. I found 2 meatloaf recipes, 1 from the brochure which is extremely similar to hubby’s favorite one that I have made for years and years and a sour cream recipe from the book that I decided to try. In the end the recipe I made was a combination of both recipes and hubby all but licked his plate. He kept telling me to find out where to get more of this sauce. He even put it on his mashed potatoes and thought that was just scrumptious. Normally he would use ketchup on his meatloaf, but tonight he used Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce. He decided Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce is our new ketchup.

I will be trying a few more recipes this week and will do a follow up for you.

Now for the giveaway
. Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce has offered 2-two bottle sets for me to give you. The giveaway will run from today through Saturday, August 29th. You will earn 1 entry for each recipe you link to one of the tHe KrAzY KiTcHeN memes during this week. We will announce the winner on Simply Delicious Sunday August 30th. As a bonus you will earn an additional entry for every recipe that uses Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce.

The true test came when I made dessert with the sauce. It was the most unusual group of ingredients I had ever mixed together. I have to admit I had my doubts that we were going to like this recipe, but I also thought it would be a good test of the versatility of an all purpose sauce.
All I can say is that I was sooooooooooooooooo pleasantly surprised by the flavor. Hubby can’t say anything, he’s too busy licking the bowl. You have to try Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce and start with this fudge recipe.

One of the greatest things about this recipe besides the awesome flavor is the consistency. How many times have you made fudge and weren’t sure it would set up okay or it turned out dry? That will never happen with this recipe. This recipe is truly foolproof.

12 ounces Velveeta cheese*
2 sticks butter
6 ounces unsweetened chocolate
2 tablespoons Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce
2 pounds powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups chopped pecans (optional)**

  • In a microwave safe bowl combine the Velveeta, butter, Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce and chocolate. Microwave on high 2-4 minutes, stirring every minute until mixture is smooth and well blended.
  • Pour the powdered sugar into a large mixing bowl. Add the chocolate mixture gradaully while beating with an electric mixture until well blended.
  • Beat in the vanilla.
  • Stir in the nuts.
  • Pour into a greased 9×13 pan.
  • Cover and chill until firm.
  • Store in the refrigerator.

*When I made a second batch of this recipe. it worked better cubed before microwaving
**I exchanged this for Heath Bar bits and loved it

3 pounds ground beef
1 bunch green onions, sliced thin
1/2 cup + Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce
3/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup milk
2 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
1 teaspoon white pepper

  • Mix all together.
  • Pour additional sauce over the top.
  • Bake 1 1/2 hours.
  • Pour off any excess moisture.
  • Let stand 5-10 minutes.
  • Serve.
  • Makes wonderful sandwiches with the leftovers.
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~ Red, White & Blue Swap ~

Mamarazzi hosted another fun swap over at Our Dandelion Wishes.

My partner was Kimberly over at Kim and Mikey got Married. She sent me this awesome box! I’m using the red, white and blue towels as we speak for the 4th of July! There was this awesome jam made by her father-in-law, a notepad with my favorite flowers, a wonderful collection of LIVE, LOVE & LAUGH words for the wall, a magnet, a notebook, a scent infuser, a great smelling candle and a much needed bookmark!

I sent her red, white and blue yankee candles, a red tea tin of some of my favorite tea, red and white note cards, a white rose soap petals bloom, 2 red, white and blue patriotic magnets, a red, white and blue decorative box, a notebook and pen, a hand made red, white and blue eyeglass pin and a red, white and blue notepad.

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Snail Mail Delight

A couple of weeks ago I received an awesome swap package from Diana over at Forgetfulone. And then today I received a package with this great book and Mary Engelbrett stickers. Diana is an awesome bloggy friend that I look forward to meeting some day in real life. The book in the background is the scrap book that Diana sent me in my box. I’ve turned it into my blog log. A place to keep schedules, future ideas and recipes to post. It is really helping me stay organized.

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Spread the Love ~ Favorite Things Swap

I’m so excited! Mamarazzi hosted her THIRD Favorite Things Swap over at Our Dandelion Wishes and my box arrived today from my swap partner Diana at Forgetfulone! I love the pastel pink wrapping, it’s so sweet.

And such a wonderful box. It turns out her favorite things are some of mine too! She sent me this awesome Sweet Pea candle from Bath & Body Works, a place I truly love, but is 2 hours away so I don’t get there often. There is also a bottle of their Clean Linen signature line bubble bath that I will use sparingly. Both of those scents are 2 of my all time favorites from Bath & Body Works. She included one of my favorite candy bars, Three Musketeers, an adorable kitten notebook, the Woman’s Day magazine that I ‘didn’t’ pick up at the checkstand the other day and this cute Martha Stewart Gumdrop scrapbook kit. I love all of it Diana. Thank You soooooooooooo much!!

Sh also included this cute poem to be sung to the theme of My Favorite Things!

Cute little gift bags
and candles for smelling.
Sweet pea’s the fragrance
that’s made for your dwelling.
Fine fluffy chocolate
a smile always brings.
These are a few
of my favorite things.

Scrapbooking photos
and making them pretty,
writing in notebooks
adorned with a kitty.
Making to-do lists
a smile always brings.
These are a few
of my favorite things.

When I’m burned out,
when I’m worn out,
when I’m feeling sad,
an hour of reading,
a hot bubble bath,
and then I don’t feel
Sooooo bad!

Diana and I have been bloggy friends for quite some time now, so I was really excited to be paired with her for this swap. Now since her box was delivered today I can disclose it’s contents too. We have so many of the same likes I was able to pick out things with her in mind that are my favorites. too Diana is a Disney ornament nut (and so am I) and I found this set of Hallmark Mickey Mouse train ornaments that I really hope she doesn’t already have. I also included my favorite pomegranite & papaya soak beads and leaves from Cuccio so she could pamper herself with a foot soak and pedicure. I also included some of my favorite scented cottage made soaps, and loofa a couple of my handmade Christmas bulbls, one of my favorite book ~ the Notebook by Nicholas Sparks which I thought would be a great summer read, a cute fat quarter of fabric and ribbon for scrapping, a spice infuser for soups and stew, a knit coaster, a photo frame, kitten kitchen magnet, a sweet smelling candle, note cards as well as a handmade sketch journal and a cute pink daily journal. I was so late coming back from my trip that I didn’t get to wrap as cute as she did.

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Favorite Things

I’m so excited! Mamarazzi is hosting her THIRD Favorite Things Swap over at Our Dandelion Wishes.

I didn’t get to participate in the first two, but really wanted to and am so excited that I’m in time for this one. It’s so fun to give and receive good fun mail.

I’ve put my thinking cap on and am coming up with some fun ideas. Go check it out and join the fun.

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Showing Off Your Favorites

I found this over at Screaming Mimi and talk about getting in under the wire ~ whew I’m just going to make it. I could really use that Target card, but couldn’t we all.

Auds over at Barking Mad is giving away a $250.00 Target gift card. All that is required is tooting your own horn! Seriously, to enter to win this gift card Auds wants to see our 5 favorite posts from our own blogs.

Without further ado or adieu (computer search says both are correct) here are 5 of my favorite posts.

Check out my personal faves & then hop over & see who else is playing!

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Very Vintage Valentine Swap

I participated in Heidi’s Very Vintage Valentine Swap. I had fun putting together my partner’s box and here is what I sent: an altered candy box full of Valentine’s ribbons, cupcake stakes, recipes, vintage Valentine postcards and a cute little note board. I also made some crepe paper garland and sequin confetti hearts. She has asked for no sweets so I sent these awesome JELL-O flavors: Margarita, Pina Colada and strawberry Daiquiri. I also included a cute set of heart note cards, a vintage table centerpiece, pink variegated yarn, heart cookie cutters and and a Chinese heart carton full of metal conversation heart magnets. I’m still waiting for my box to see what’s in it.

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The Organized Quilter aka always a Novice, a Fabric Stash & a giveaway for National Quilt Day

I was having a conversation with my favorite homemaker friend Barbara about the dread I was having over the upcoming packing of my studio. I commented that my fabric stash for quilting alone was one of the worst parts because of the weight. The past couple of years have been all about this house so I haven’t gotten as much studio work done as originally intended. She mentioned how she’d love to learn to quilt but felt that it was too complicated to take on with her busy schedule. This got me thinking that I should do a post that would take the intimidation out of of learning to quilt.
I had always felt that way myself, intimidated that is to learn to quilt. I always wanted to learn but figured it took more time and effort than I had to give. I got my start quilting by accident and out of boredom one day. I wandered into a fabric store, Bolts in the Bathtub, and started browsing. The owner and her sister befriended me almost immediately and we began a wonderful friendship. They convinced me I needed something to fill my time and that it wasn’t as hard as I was making it out to be.

Hubby’s unit had just been deployed to Yakima, Washington for training before being shipped to Iraq so I agreed to sign up for a class to fill a few evenings and get the quilt bug out of my system. I got lucky though, the bug didn’t leave my system, but it bit really hard instead and drew out the quilter blood in me. Quilting became like a medicinal leech. It made me feel whole again and well. I also got lucky that hubby stayed state side for the duration of his deployment, but it still left me with quite a bit of time to fill during his long days, weeks and TDYs. I went on to complete ten quilt tops during that eighteen months. All but one of which now live somewhere else.

My biggest tip for any beginner who may feel intimidated by the thought of learning to quilt is to start by taking a beginner class at a qualified fabric store and/or quilt guild, start small and pick an easy to do pattern for your first quilt.

The whole process wasn’t as expensive as I thought it would be either. My beginner class ran about $30 plus fabric. During the duration of that class I learned and completed enough blocks of varying patterns for a small sampler quilt that I kept on my treadle sewing machine until recently and a sampler table runner. I had an awesome teacher too. If she didn’t know the answer to my question she would find out. She was also hands on and did quite a few tutorials. You were always welcome to drop in, bring your sewing machine and learn. The store became my home away from home. Ironically I have still yet to bind the table runner. The sampler now hangs in my foyer. Even with 2 dozen quilts completed I feel like a novice. There is always something new to learn about quilting which makes it a fun and rewarding hobby.

There are many internet sites out there offering free quilt patterns, but one of the easiest to use that I have found is free .

There were a few tools to purchase such as a good rotary cutter, cutting mat, quilting ruler and quilting square. One of the most valuable tools I purchased was Harriet Hargrave’s Heirloom Machine Quilting. This book truly is a comprehensive reference guide to machine quilting. This book is full of easy to follow instruction and diagrams for doing the most complicated of tasks and doing them correctly. I keep it handy near my sewing machine and freely write notes in the margin.

Dawna asked me help out at the quilt show that next summer. I had a blast. I visited all of the vendors at least twice and talked and listened to so many experienced quilters. I learned so much in that 2 days I felt like I should have been paying for a class. One of the coolest things I learned was using a kaleidoscope for choosing colors. What you do is put all the fabrics you are thinking of choosing into a stack (bolts work really well) then step back and use this little toy as a kaleidoscope. If any one fabric stands out, remove it and start again. Keep this up until you have the fabrics you need and they make a continuous kaleidoscope pattern where no one color or fabric stands out by itself.

Over the last several years I have acquired a HUGE fabric stash, but nothing compared to Dawna’s stash. The store, Bolts in the Bathtub was aptly named because she had such a HUGE stash of fabric that she actually stored the extra bolts in the spare bathroom’s bathtub.

There are literally thousands of quilt patterns to be had out there. One of the easiest to read, follow and assemble brands of patterns that I have found is by Atkinson Design. Some of my favorites by them are Yellow Brick Road, Daisy Chain, Slide Show, Cheese and Crackers and Tile Tango. Here are some pictures of their quilts. You can click on each one to enlarge it.

Yellow Brick RoadDaisy Chain
Slide Show
Cheese & CrackersTile Tango

Now for the organized part. Some of my stash is already allocated for specific quilts as you can see from this picture. These little Sterilite organizing boxes are perfect. I write the pattern name and recipients name on each box. I may not get them made right away, but I’m ready. The only thing not in each box is the batting and occasionally the backing. I also keep all my patterns in plastic sleeves and then I keep those alphabetically in a couple of large binders. That way they are always easy to find and never misplaced.

One of the greatest things I discovered when I learned to quilt is 108 inch backing materials. For most size quilts this eliminates having to piece your backing.

While organizing the studio I ran across duplicates of 2 super easy patterns and and picture quilt book of poems. In order to be entered to win one of these just leave me a comment on this post. I’ll be giving away the book, Winter Lights ~ A Season in Poems & Quilts by Anna Grossnickle Hines, the pattern, Tree farm by Thimbleberries and the pattern Allegro by Atkinson Design. I’ll leave this giveaway open until March 21st to celebrate National quilt day, the 3rd Saturday in March.

These are some of the quilts I have either just finished or am working on.

Now just for your reading pleasure also is the Elm Creek Quilt series by Jennifer Chiaverini. These are warm and refreshing novels. I have read the entire series. The series does not have to be read in order, but I recommend it for a more pleasurable experience. I learned quite a bit just from these books about the rich history of quilting and patterns. This is an outstanding series of novels that allows us to explore human relationships on so many levels of depth.

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