Category: WRITING
Cafe Writing ~ February ~ Option 6 ~ Pick 3 ~ February Project: Love Letters
Remember when we danced all night to that very song at our wedding, even after the DJ had moved onto another tune? Or when you indulged me and sat through Hallmark’s “The Love Letter“ for the 3rd time? Or when we took the train cross country and people watched all the way?
I woke each day in anticipation of what new surprises we’d encounter, never daring to imagine the trespass the military would make on our life with your activation and deployment so shortly after our marriage.
While you are gone I will continue to fill my days with quilting and homemaking. It gives my hands something to do and pass the endless time you are absent from my life.
I’ll always love you forever and always more,
January Fresh ~ Cafe Writing ~ 7 Things Option #6
In a mood of faith and hope my work goes on. A ream of fresh paper lies on my desk waiting for the next book. I am a writer and I take up my pen to write. ~Pearl S. Buck
“Give me seven things that inhabit or occupy your writing space. Interpret “writing space” any way you please… I have three different writing spaces, really. There is the laptop on the docking station in the living room, the desktop in my studio and the kitchen table.
1) Writing space for me depends of course on what I’m writing so let’s start with the kitchen table. Writing at the kitchen table takes me back to doing my homework as a child after school. Grandma would sit me down at the table with a Coke and a Hershey bar to do my homework in hopes of keeping me quiet enough that she could watch her story (General Hospital) while she did her ironing. Sitting at the kitchen table for me is a comfort zone and brings with it fond memories. I use the kitchen table for menu planning and recipe sorting as well as just about everything else!! Occupying my kitchen writing space is:
- Memories
- Plants
- Bookcase of cook books
- A Golden Retriever at my feet
- Daylight streaming through all the windows
- Snow falling gently
- The smells of dinner cooking in the crock pot (Cherry Pork Chops with Scalloped Potatoes)
- Quilt patterns
- Receipts
- Correspondence
- To Do lists
- Reference Books
- The scanner, fax machine, printers, etc…
- My Fabric Stash
- Several cook books
- The digital camera
- My Krispy Kreme doughnuts coffee cup, half full of cold coffee
- The family calendar
- Several unfinished recipes
- Yesterday’s mail
- About a dozen post-it notes of to do items
My mood and task at hand have a serious influence on which of these 3 spaces I choose to use at any given time. It would be nice to clean up the desktop and the laptop are, but I know where everything is right now. LOL ♥
Seven Tastes or Scents that define Autumn for Me
7 tastes or Scents that define Autumn for Me:
- Apples! As they ripen, they fill the air with a sweet and fragrant aroma that begs to be made into apple sauce and apple cider and apple cobbler…
- Cinnamon! I can’t make apple sauce, apple cider or apple cobbler without cinnamon.
- Dew! With the early morning fog you can smell the earth as the dew sits on the recently mulched grass.
- Burning leaves! Here in the country many still burn their leaves and branches. It always reminds me of a campfire and toasted marshmallows.
- Hot Cocoa! After raking leaves and bundling branches we come in for a warm cup of cocoa.
- Popcorn! When the evenings cool down we tend to crave buttered popcorn as an evening snack.
- Wet Dog! Inevitably it either drizzles, mists or flat out rains on the dog and I have a wet towel to dry leaving the aroma lingering around the back door.
Write you own Cookbook Review in Progress
I have written 2 cook books in the past for family reunions and let me tell you they were serious labors of love and no easy feat using Microsoft Publisher while deciphering everyone’s chicken scratch too. This new website, will make your job simpler. Be sure though to check the supported characters if you have any family legacy recipes that are in need of ‘characters’ from other languages. I know Barbara and I discussed this at length regarding the Icelandic language. I could cut and paste and it appeared to preview well, but Tastebook’s disclaimer specifically says it is not supported. It does support your own photo images though, making it feasible to look as professional as any other publisher out there. They are hard bound spiral books with the option of taking the pages in and out as necessary.
Here’s your opportunity to create your own cook book whether it is just for your own use or you want to print Christmas gift copies for mom and grandma. Give yourself a break an take a minute to check it out.
Challenge 21 ~ Days 15-21
21 day challenge – Days 9-14
21 day challenge update ~ Days 3-8
The inspirational quotes for the past 6 days are:
Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. ~ Aristotle
A wish changes nothing. A decision changes everything! ~UNK
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented,
fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? ~Marianne WilliamsonYou have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. ~Dr. Seuss
Put yourself in a state of mind where you say to yourself, “Here is an opportunity for you to celebrate like never before, my own power, my own ability to get myself to do whatever is necessary.” ~Anthony Robbins
Day 3: Start sorting the 3+ letter totes full of old articles torn from magazines and newspapers as well as the notes written on cocktail napkins and scraps of paper.
Day 4: Start transferring the scraps of paper and cocktail napkin ideas in the proper categories on pages that fit within my journal.
Day 5: Start to read the articles.
Day 6: Decide which articles to keep and here’s the really hard part, which to throw away forever.
Day 7: Decide to trust my own heart and instincts and throw even more articles away. All I really need are my ideas and reference books.
Day 8: Write a query letter to send to Cook book publishers and start researching those publishers.
21 day Inspiration challenge

I started the day by making this mess and then finished it with the hard work of sorting and categorizing old themes, story plots, character descriptions, making new side tabs for the journal that included all of these plus objective trains of thought, thought provoking questions and surveys, processes, fiction, cookbook, recipes, pictures and references. I stuck to it all day and came up with a finished journal that’s ready to be used day in and day out to create that great American novel someday and a super homestyle cook book. As for common sense, I should have used it years ago to sort through this mess. What a welcome relief to have it accomplished to this stage.
I also altered my graphics for my journal pages so they’re permanently the way I want them.
21 day challenge update

21 day Inspiration Challenge
“Hey All, I admit it, I have been hiding. I have felt so negative lately I just haven’t wanted to spread it around. I am having difficulty focusing and have been feeling very anxious and sad. I hate feeling like this. I am tired of the fight to constantly stay “up”. Logically in my head I realize that this is temporary and probably still effects of SAD but its hard and tiring.”
So I too am going to combat the way I have been feeling and get a kick start by participating in Rhonna Farrer‘s 21 Day Inspiration Challenge which begins March 1 at Two Peas in a Bucket. I too have high hopes for sticking with 21 days of assignments and making some changes in my journaling habits, find my positive attitude again and energize my muse.