Yesterday we took a short drive to see just how many trees actually toppled and blocked roads around us during #TheNightTheLightsWentOutInOregon 3 weeks ago, to find a new place to hike and explore as well as just plain enjoy the almost spring like weather. We also ran across some local history!
One thing is for sure, road crews are guaranteed jobs for the foreseeable future! On ALL the roads, but especially the smaller roads where trees fell they have come along and used a chainsaw to cut out the part across the road for now leaving the tops and bottoms along the shoulders for later.
We ran across a sign for the Mildred Kanipe Memorial Park and followed it to a fun area with equestrian camping, old historical buildings and an animal preserve. The weather was beautiful for several hours and we enjoyed a nice walk, but I fell in love with the peacocks especially!
From the signs around the park and what little information I can find, Mildred Kanipe was a very colorful, strong willed woman and extremely set in her ways, an unforgettable character all the way around. She always carried a pistol and a rifle when n the ranch. She NEVER married and ran the 1100 acre ranch ALL by herself except for the occasional hand she would hire.
Mildred’s Gift
She passed away in 1983 leaving her entire beloved ranch, that her family had owned for over a hundred years and she had added to over the years, to the public as a county park. Mildred’s gift included almost 1,100 acres of land consisting of pastures, creeks, rolling hills, orchards and forests. Historical structures include a turn-of-the-century schoolhouse that they are seeking grants for to restore, a farmhouse, and outbuildings. Her wish was for the buildings to be preserved, a ranch museum developed, equestrian trails and camping to be available and the land was to remain an animal refuge and the land and plants preserved.
Mildred left VERY specific instructions for her burial on the property also.
I fell in love with the natural beauty of the area and the peacocks in particular! They are so beautiful and graceful too. This older woman comes to feed them regularly and when she pulled in the birds flocked over to her like she was a long lost friend 😀
We’re going to go back with a picnic when the weather warms up a bit. I’ll remember to take my regular camera, but here are a few from my cell phone for now.
There was quite a bit of damage within the park from old trees that fell and literally splintered picnic tables, but I was impressed with these metal braces someone made many years ago for this old tree to preserve it. The peacocks seem to really like this tree and while I wasn’t able to get a picture, they were all up in the tree when we first arrived.
I truly felt like I could hear these trees making a SERIOUS noise as they landed and splintered these tables. Not that I was there when it happened, but in my head they were really loud!
I saw this glove and my mind went to Tom Hanks LOL He has an InstaGram account where he posts single lost items – a truly virtual LOST & FOUND 😀