YAY FOR AUTUMN! I first saw this over at Jean’s blog and was then also tagged by Carrie from Northwoods Scrapbook. So, Ive decided it was fate I join in. It will take me a bit to catch up, but I’ll get there! The ALL THINGS AUTUMN is being hostted by Deb over at It’s Always Something and you can find her post here. 😊 I would also love it if any of you would like to join in the fun too! Just copy mine and put in your own answers. Yay for this wonderful season! 🧙♀️🕸🌾🍁🧡
1. What is your favorite thing about fall?
Weather, nature, pumpkins, spice……When the first geese fly over heading south I jump for joy. Shortly thereafter the mornings and evenings both turn cool and crisp and the fireplace smoke brings a fragrant layer of wood smoke to the valley. And of course all the cute sweaters and flannels come out to play. Oh and don’t let me forget about the apples, and pumpkins and spice… This is truly my favorite time of year. If I could have to Autumns, a winter and a spring I’d be sooooo happy.
2. Do you get fall colors where you live?
I used to live in the Upper Peninsula and REALLY miss the fall colors from there, but we also get them here in the Pacific North West, just a bit differently.
3. Favorite fall scent? (wax melts, candles, anything)
I do change out my wax melt and candle scents to everything apple or pumpkin spice.
4./9. Favorite fall food or drink? Cider or hot chocolate?
When I was a kid I hated cider and it was hot chocolate all the way, but as I got older I fell in love with apple cider! Of course it has to have the perfect spice blend with a lot of cinnamon sticks and oranges. A cup of this with a slice of pumpkin pull apart bread or baked apples is such a treat.
5. Football . . . yay or nay?
6. Do you rake, jump in, or burn piles of leaves?
Rake. I’ve never been one to jump in, but my dogs always have been.
7. Haunted house or corn maze?
I’ve done both and when I was younger they were fun with groups of friends, but now I prefer to decorate the house and wait for all the sweet faces of the trick or treaters. I love seeing their costumes.

8. Have you ever gone on a hayride?
When I was in girl scouts we did several and they were really fun!
10./17. Carve a pumpkin or eat pumpkin pie? 17. Apple pie or pumpkin pie?
We no longer carve pumpkins and I’m not a huge fan of pumpkin pies. 🙁 Now I do make an awesome Cranberry Apple slab pie for the season.

11. Do you dress up for Halloween?
Not since I was a kid, but I would if the right reason came alone. 😀
12. Candy corn . . . yay or nay?
NOPE, never been a fan.
13. Favorite Halloween season movie?
Definitely like the fun ones that aren’t too gory or scary. The movies like Nightmare before Christmas, Hocus Pocus, Practical Magic and the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown are the best!
14. Scariest movie?
The Omen, Amitville Horror, The Exorcist, Halloween, The Shining…
15. Halloween or Thanksgiving?
BOTH! They are the gateway to Christmas 😀 My favorite months, the “BER” months each have a major holiday in them full of my favorite 3 F’s – fun, family and food.
16. Do you watch the Macy’s parade?
EVERY year for as long as I can remember and always followed by watching Miracle on 34th street.
18. White or dark meat?
I like them both – but I tend to grab more white meat.
19. Jellied or real cranberry sauce?
My oldest stepson LOVES the canned sauce only! He says it isn’t a holiday without it, but I prefer the homemade so I make it for the rest of us and buy a can for him. 😀

20. Will you host or travel for Thanksgiving?
This year it will be just the 2 of us and for the first time ever we’re going to go out. 😀
I hope you enjoyed and will join in! I look forward to reading the answers of others. 🎃