Welcome to BLOGMAS 2024. I’m so happy you could join me. Like always, I want to make this fun and no fuss, so join in when you can and I hope you enjoy the insight into my little corner of the holidays.

I’m a list maker and pretty organized so even my BLOGMAS schedule is pretty much in order of occurrence 🙂

This year with Thanksgiving arriving so late I feel like I’m getting a really late start to the Christmas holiday.

Today will start with a trip to the Christmas Tree farm with a girlfriend and her mother to get their trees and I’ll get my front door wreaths followed by a yummy lunch at a favorite local haunt. Hubby and I will be going back for our tree on Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday will be spent decorating the tree. Tomorrow and Sunday will be spent dealing with outside decorations. I have some spray painting to get done while the sun is actually shining.

I’m actually keeping the schedule pretty flexible this year. So far the only definite dates are the local county Christmas fair on the 6th, a girls get together on the 11th and dinner and a play with those same girlfriends on the 19th, Wreaths Across America is on the 14th, The Eagle’s Christmas party is on the 15th and the Christmas parade is on the 21st.


For the last several years I have done “BLOGMAS” over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  This year I decided to do BLOGMAS, but with my own list.

Unfortunately the surgery I should have had months ago is now scheduled 5 days from now. So, a few categories will be a little off this year, but I’m going to do them anyway. Christmas will be quiet for us this year, but one the best days of the year for us.

These are things that I begin right after Thanksgiving, but I thought it was the best prompt for today. I almost feel guilty that almost ALL of them are accomplished.  With the surgery though I HAVE to be ready way ahead of time! As for this year’s prompt I do both homemade and store bought depending on what someone wants and/or needs.
