Can Number Conversions

Many old recipes call for an ingredient by the can size. I found these conversions in some vintage cook books. Many of my grandma’s old recipes called for a specific dollar amount of an ingredient. I wish I had a conversion table for 5 cents of hamburger or 10 cents of pork chops. I had to go to the library and try and convert from old grocery ads based on the approximate year.
  • No. 1 can = 1 1/3 cups
  • No. 1 tall = 2 cups
  • No. 2 can = 2 2/3 cups
  • No. 2 1/2 can = 3 3/5 cups
  • No. 3 can = 4 cups
  • No. 10 can = 12-13 cups
  • No. 303 = 2 cups