Camera Critters

My Friend Misty has started a new meme.
It’s taken off really well.
Who can resist critters? Come join us and have some fun.
You can get more information at Camera Critters.
I’m still on vacation so this is sis-in-law’s dog, Buffy. She got her after her SWEET Daisy passed on at a very old age. Buffy started out to be a holy terror. So much so that I used to call her CUJO. Yes, that sweet looking little thing we called CUJO, PSYCHO and numerous other expletives. And no, she’s not a a miniature husky, she’s a shaved pomeranian. She has mellowed into a sweet little lover girl though.
Lilli & Nevada

Oh my gosh i wondered what a shaved pom would look like, since i have one but i am not sure i would like to shave her. Other than sometimes with all that hair she don’t like to be combed specially the back end of her, Do you have photo of him when he had hair? Come and see mine she is brushing her teeth

Lilli & Nevada

Oh my gosh i wondered what a shaved pom would look like, since i have one but i am not sure i would like to shave her. Other than sometimes with all that hair she don’t like to be combed specially the back end of her, Do you have photo of him when he had hair? Come and see mine she is brushing her teeth

Lilli & Nevada

Oh my gosh i wondered what a shaved pom would look like, since i have one but i am not sure i would like to shave her. Other than sometimes with all that hair she don’t like to be combed specially the back end of her, Do you have photo of him when he had hair? Come and see mine she is brushing her teeth

Lilli & Nevada

Oh my gosh i wondered what a shaved pom would look like, since i have one but i am not sure i would like to shave her. Other than sometimes with all that hair she don’t like to be combed specially the back end of her, Do you have photo of him when he had hair? Come and see mine she is brushing her teeth

Lilli & Nevada

Oh my gosh i wondered what a shaved pom would look like, since i have one but i am not sure i would like to shave her. Other than sometimes with all that hair she don’t like to be combed specially the back end of her, Do you have photo of him when he had hair? Come and see mine she is brushing her teeth

Misty Dawn

Oh my gosh – She is absolutely adorable! I LOVE her ears! Love the bandanna too.

SO, SO Cute!

By the way, I went ahead and signed in to Mr. Linky for ya, since you said you are on vacation.