Sweet Diana over at Forgetfulone gave me this. Thanks so much Diana.
We all blog for different reasons or maybe the same reasons, but we don’t always know it. When we run across a blog that SPEAKS to us, that’s when an award like this jumps out to present itself. There are several blogs I follow each day, so narrowing it down to just 5 blogs is hard so I’m going to break the rules also by re-tagging Diana to start with.
Following that and in no particular order are:
Thanks again Diana, you made my day!
Thank you so much, Tamy. You are making my day too. And I also just love coming here to your blog — it does speak to me.
Oh thanks–and here you’ve made my day with this! HOpe you’re having a wonderful weekend.
I am trying to catch up on passing my awards on before vacation! I Big red puffy heart your blog Award for you!
Congratulation! Love the new header pic! Thank you so much-I am behind on commenting on others’ blogs. I will be so behind next week! Who Wants a Postcard
Luv ya Tamy! You deserve it, and now that I have bloglines all set up, I’ll never miss another one of your posts.