1 year Blog Anniversary & A HUGE thank you!!!!!

I’ve been thinking long and hard on how to handle my 500th post/Blog anniversary. My 500th post actually came first so I decided to wait for the anniversary instead. I was going to do a giveaway, but recently decided the best way to handle it was to practice a random act of kindness towards Barbara who out of the kindness of her heart worked tirelessly with me to create “MY” blog, “MY” way.

So my giveaway tomorrow is a surprise thank you ‘swap’ style package that is making it’s way towards her this next week. I know she knows how much I appreciated the help, but wanted to show her too!

So in the spirit of my most recent swap, it’s some of my favorite things including a hand made item and a thrifted item similar to the Sweet Goodness Swaps.

final blog signature.

Hana Mi

Awww thats sooo lovely with a gift for Barbara. A big milestone is a year of blogging it feels for me.Well done, I hope I can acheive that continuation myself, although Im heading for 6mths soon!!. Wow at over 500 posts!