Thursday 13 ~ A list of 13 things I need to Do

  1. Take measurements for lower cabinet kitchen shelves.
  2. Design lower cabinet kitchen shelves.
  3. Finish sorting & organizing craft items.
  4. Finish sorting & organizing rummage sale items for charity.
  5. Finish painting Amber’s bedroom. (It needs a 3rd coat that I’ve been putting off)
  6. Finish building master bedroom closet.
  7. Clean, sort, organize and insulate coat closet.
  8. Finish Christmas and birthday presents that I’m hand making.
  9. Finish sorting & filing the boxes that were dropped and mixed up when we moved in here.
  10. Finish the last (hopefully) 2 loads to the dump from the ‘issues’ we inherited with the house.
  11. Finish the trim molding in the kitchen.
  12. Finish the trim molding in the upstairs bath.
  13. Finish the downstairs bath.
  14. … an so on!!

final blog signature.

Denise Patrick

You are a busy lady. I always think I want to do some renovating in my house – until I start a project, then I’m sorry I did. Good luck with all your projects.

Happy TT!


You sound like you have a lot on your plate. You sure have your work cut out for you. Good luck on finishing up evrything that you must do.

You can visit my TT here.