Proof that words, respect and listening really do matter…

This is the motto I have on my desk and I try to live by every day.

Do you have a teenage girl in your life? 14, 15, 16, 17 years old? Do you dread the day you’ll hear “I met a guy”, “He’s really great”, “He respects me”, “We went to the beach for the day”? Are you waiting for the other show to drop? I was!

When I was is college I remember a class for my Health Education Major/Human Sexuality minor (once upon a time before I got sick I was going to teach high school) that taught us to speak to young adults as adults, to listen to them and what they have to say and most importantly to respect them.

I have always tried to follow that advice and you know what? It really paid off. Recently when I heard those exact sentences and sat waiting for that other shoe to drop, I received a wonderful reward for all my efforts. I heard, “When I try to figure out what my choices are I hear your voice in my head and it helps me think right.”

I have to admit I cried. There was nothing she could have said that would have me me happier or prouder of her as a young woman.

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