This blog was tagged by Diana over at Forgetfulone for a bloggity blog tag.
The rules:
1. Write about 5 specific ways blogging has affected you either positively or negatively
2. link back to the person who tagged you ~ Diana (Thanks for thinking of me!)
3. link back to this parent post: Bloggity Blog
4.tag a few friends or five, or none at all
5. post these rules— or just have fun breaking them!
- My cousin Jenn suggested blogging when I was having a difficult time adjusting to a cross country move and making new friends in a very closed community that doesn’t openly welcome outsiders.
- I have met some wonderful warm and friendly people blogging, several like Diana over at Forgetfulone, Sandra over at The Diary of a Stay at Home Mom, Joy at Joy of Desserts, Penelope at The Cafe at the End of the Universe… and the list goes on and on at that I communicate with almost daily and one in particular who is kindred spirit and I feel like I have known all my life, Barbara over at Candy Hearts & Paper Flowers.
- Blogging has become a creative outlet that has helped me get back on track with a number of projects; cookbooks, quilts, organization…
- I’m able to participate in some fun memes and do pay it forward in not only the monthly books, but my overall attitude and sense of self that I seem to be regaining.
- I so agree with Diana when she said, “I am constantly thinking about my blog and my blogging buddies. Sometimes I wonder if it’s too much of an obsession, but it’s not something I want to give up. Best of all, blogging gives me a sense of community. In many ways, it’s better than FIRL (friends in real life). I have developed some special friendships, and making new friends is always fun, too. Bloggers are genuine, accepting, generous, understanding, honest, and fun!
I tag anyone who reads this! The more the merrier!
Awww. Thanks for doing this tag. I had fun reading what blogging means to you.