Making a Happy Home Monday

One of the nicest surprises in the blog world is the many new places you find to explore when you dare to click on that link that you’ve never seen before. That is how I found this meme, Making a Happy Home Monday. I was visiting Lisa over at Blessed with Grace and clicked a link and found LL at As for me and my house… who hosts Making a Happy Home Monday.

Now I have to agree with Lisa whole heartedly about the old adage, Home is where your heart is. Hubby and I are experiencing that a lot lately. We chose to come here due to economics, but are having serious 2nd thoughts. We miss our family. Our family are our friends and we feel a bit empty without them. Phone calls are great, but they don’t substitute for a real hug or visit!

So for now, making a happy home is learning to bloom where we are while finishing this old house and looking for ways to find our way home. Every project done makes us a bit happier. This week it was a bathroom floor. Next week is the upstairs shower. I have a story to share about that, but am waiting for some supporting material to go with it.

Now that is not to say we’re not happy – we love this house. We just wish we could click those ruby red slippers and fly us AND the house home! LOL

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