Diana tagged me for this “Needs Analysis”, and it’s a lot of fun. If I mention and link to you, you’re tagged, and I hope you’ll play along! Now I wasn’t sure about this tag, but the very first name I typed into Google gave a perfect answer!
Sandra needs an adorable home. I found this awesome as she is always dreaming of an English Cottage!
Tammy needs your prayers and good wishes as she struggles with her family and chaotic life.
Diana needs a nick name since we all know she really isn’t forgetful!
Lucy needs a haircut. I thought this one was hilarious since she owns a salon!
Janet needs 500 more tiles. This one sounded weird until I remembered that I’ve seen at least that many Flickr images pass by in recent weeks.
If I’ve tagged you, all you need to do is Google the name of the 5 bloggers you are tagging with the word “needs” attached and see what comes up.
LMAO this is fun! I’ll be doing it on my blog soon…might work it into a Thursday Thirteen…hmmm…
And strangely enough, I love dominoes and mah-jong, both played with things called tiles!
I want the haircut! Can we just move the needs around? Tee hee. Glad you played along.
haha ANOTHER haircut!
I’ll be bald by weeks end Tam!
Thanks for thinking of me! I wish I could get the cottage too! 🙂
Oh my goodness, SEE, I’m supposed to get an English Cottage LOL That is just too neat, I’m doing this one right now LOL