Lisa over at a Stitch of Faith tagged me for this meme.
- Link back to the person who tagged you and share the rules on your blog.
- Share seven facts about yourself.
- Tag seven people and list their links in your post.
- Tell those seven people they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Here are seven things about me:
- I love to sew, make quilts, and do stained glass.
- Red and yellow parrot tulips are my favorite flower.
- I’ve been searching for the right church and volunteer work since I arrived here.
- I am currently praying about a major life changing decision.
- I can read upside-down writing.
- I, like Lisa, am constantly trying to think of new business ideas. I have already tried too many standard home business (direct selling) ideas: Tupperware, Princess House, Partylite, AVON, Longaberger….. over the years
- I cry at old movies
I was recently tagged for this so I’m going to break the rules and make this time around a self applied tag. Help yourself and have fun.