Guess What? I’ve been Booed!
What fun! I couldn’t sleep either so of course I headed to the computer to see if anything new was happening in blogosphere and that’s when I found out that I had been Boo-Ed by my friend at Charli & Me.
Now I am supposed to Boo as many friends as I can.
Here are the rules:
“Go to as many friends as you want and tell them they’ve been Boo-Ed.” Have them link back to your blog to pick up their Halloween treat (picture) and tell them to Boo their friends. (Then put the picture in your side bar so everyone knows you’ve already been Booed and to send the picture to someone else.)
Are you scared yet!!?? Boo!” I have to get going….. I have a lot of Booing to do…
awwwwww, thanks for the Boo!!!