House UPDATE ~ Chronicles of a bungled Real Estate deal ~ Welcome to our nightmare! Part 1

In the Fall of 2006 we purchased this house as an investment. It was a beautiful Queen Anne Victorian that just needed some basic TLC in the way of paint and minor updating – or so we were told. What we weren’t told about was the severe MOLD problem that was disguised as “NEWLY PAINTED” or the numerous other issues including lying about the age of appliances that all broke down within the 1st 6 months that they then topped off with leaving a large dumpster’s worth of old furniture, broken appliances and basic all around trash behind for us to discard. We had a home inspection, but he wasn’t a mind reader and couldn’t detect their deception since it was so cleverly hidden under the guise of good will.

We purchased a 2 year home warranty insurance policy that was voided by their lies. They, nor our new insurance company would cover pre-existing problems or the appliances due to their age. Because we paid for the home instead of putting a mortgage on it, NO ONE wants to help including the original selling agent, the listing agent who was aware of all the problems because she had listed it and sold it before and the owners 2 times ago have personally told us that they disclosed these issues to the owners we purchased. They all said that is what mortgage insurance is for. So because we didn’t want to go into debt and tried to do things the right way we’re basically being penalized for other people’s lies.

We’re getting to the point of some finalization (FINALLY) and I will try to chronicle it one room at a time over the next couple of weeks.

final blog signature.


I sold real estate for many years. Here is the deal. LATENT DEFECTS. You have legal recourse from the seller and you need to get an attorney ASAP!! It is illegal to disguise or cover defects in a house. It is against the law and your agent and the selling agent darn well know it. Get legal help. Gail


Oh, Tamy, I am sorry. That is SO wrong. 🙁

I will advise our daughter and son-in-law, who are thinking of (hoping to) purchase a home soon, to be very careful.