I love my blogging friends that I have met over the past couple of years. It takes awhile sometimes to get the feel for a new blog. Not so with Jen over at Tatertots and Jello. I felt like I was having a cup of coffee at her kitchen table and chatting from the very beginning. Jen surprised me this morning by giving me the cutest award! Thanks Jen! I would love to give it right back to you!
For this award, I am supposed to list 5 things I am addicted to, and 5 blogs I am addicted to. This is hard for me (there are sooooooooooo many), but I’ll try for the top 5.

- Fabric – I always have a new project in my mind and when I see a piece of fabric that fits, I have to stash it away. Hey they may discontinue it before I get around to that project.
- Blogging – I just love the creative process. I have always kept some form of a journal, but this is better, it’s interactive with comments and constructive ideas with a sisterhood of special women and it is constantly being updated and improved.
- Candles – I just love candles and to have one burning most evenings! I especially love the warm colored ones with food scents (I know many of you are LYAO, but it’s true – I love the smell of apple pie and pumpkin and vanilla…
- Photography – I take my camera with me everywhere. There are just so many pictures to be taken! I’m always hoping for that next great shot.
- Cooking/Recipes – I love to cook and I just adore creating new recipes or modernizing old ones to eliminate preservative full foods.
And now on to my addictive blogs. There are so many blogs that I love to visit. but these are like when I met Jen, just chatting over coffee at the kitchen table like long lost friends.
- Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom ~ There is always something new to see or a special ‘trip’ to virtually take over at Sandra’s. I can’t wait to see each day what she has going on.
- Lucy at Lulu’s Petals ~ She always has something brewing over there and I love how she speaks her mind, it’s so refreshing.
- Barbara at Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers ~ She has well thought out posts on day to day life and how to have some fun too. While I know she has had so little time due to work lately and doesn’t post as often, she does post quality that I love.
- Diana at Forgetfulone ~ There is always something creative going on and I love how she wears her heart openly.
- Michelle at Scribbit a Blog About Motherhood in Alaska ~ She also has well thought out posts on day to day life and how to have some fun too. I love how she answers every single comment. I try very hard to emulate her.
There are sooooooooooo many more I’d like to list…
Congratulations and well deserved award 🙂
And thank you for passing it on to me, you are so sweet 🙂
Why thank you dahling! 😉 And I’m not laughing… my favorite candle scents are Hot Cinnamon Bun or Cranberry… 😉
Congrats on your award so well deserved!! Sorry I’ve not called by in a while due to illnes.
Rosie x
You deserve this so much! And thank you. I hope I get a few hours tonight to catch up on blogs. It just hasn’t been happening around here lately. Have a great day!