I love my blogging friends that I have met over the past couple of years. It takes awhile sometimes to get the feel for a new blog. Not so with Janet over at Fond of Snape. I felt like I was having a cup of coffee at her kitchen table and chatting from the very beginning. Janet surprised me this morning by giving me this tag via email! Thanks Janet! I would love to give it right back to you!
For this award, I am supposed to list 5 things I am addicted to, and 5 blogs I am addicted to. This is hard for me (there are sooooooooooo many), but I’ll try for the next top 5.

- Quilt Patterns – I always have a new project in my mind and when I see a piece of fabric that fits, I have to stash it away. Hey they may discontinue it before I get around to that project.
- Writing ~ I keep writing cookbooks. I just need to find a publisher. I still have a novel or two running around my brain too. I just need the time to get them onto paper.
- Coffee ~ I love my coffee and really love Starbucks Caramel Mocha Cappucinnos. Thank goodness there isn’t one within 125 miles.
- Blogging – I just love the creative process. I have always kept some form of a journal, but this is better, it’s interactive with comments and constructive ideas with a sisterhood of special women and it is constantly being updated and improved.
- Cooking/Recipes – I love to cook and I just adore creating new recipes or modernizing old ones to eliminate preservative full foods.
And now on to my addictive blogs. This is the second time I have received this which is great because now can pass it on to 5 more wonderful bloggers. There are so many blogs that I love to visit. but these are some more like when I met Jen, just chatting over coffee at the kitchen table like long lost friends. ~ There is always something new to see or a special ‘trip’ to virtually take over at Sandra’s. I can’t wait to see each day what she has going on.
- Shannon at Shannon’s Moments of Introspection ~ She always has something new and fun going on.
- Tammy at Queen Size Funny Bone ~ She always has something brewing over there and I love how she speaks her mind, it’s so refreshing.
- Mimi at Screaming Mimi~ She has well thought out posts on day to day life and how to have some fun too.
- Kiy at Rocking Chairs and a Tricycle ~ There is always something creative going on and I love how she wears her heart openly.
- Robyn at 11th Heaven’s Homemaking Haven ~ She also has well thought out posts on day to day life and how to have some fun too. And with all the kids I love how she answers every single comment. I try very hard to emulate her.
There are sooooooooooo many more I’d like to list…
Hey, Tamy, congratulations!
Your new ‘meez’ is so cute, too.
I’m looking forward to visiting some of the blogs you suggest. 🙂