When I sign on and see a new comment sitting there, well it makes my day! A pretty wrapped gift handed just to me amongst all those other options out there in blog land. Comments truly are the jewels of the blog land. Leaving a comment is like walking up to a new friend IRL and introducing yourself. It is how we make friends in the blogland.
How can we thank our loyal friends and readers for giving us these bloggy treasures? First and foremost, we can return the favor! We can visit their blogs and leave them comments. “The golden rule of blogging – do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. It makes the blogosphere go round.”
I love the idea of a pay it forward anything. I think anything positive is a good thing. So it really made my day when I signed on and sat down to google reader and found Diana’s wonderful comment. Stop by Forgetfulone and say hello, she’s become a good friend and I know if we lived closer we would be great IRL friends. So in the spirit of this SAY IT FORWARD I start with Diana. I too can’t remember how we met, it probably was Pay it Forward book exchange over at Overwhelmed with Joy, but we’ve been great friends since.

Tamy – you are so sweet!!! I don’t know how I missed this last night! Thank you so much! I really love coming over here and getting all of the great recipes, ideas and positive attitude – you rock!
This is a great idea, Tamy. 🙂 You ARE a loyal commenter, for sure.
I agree, I have made some wonderful friends in Blogland! I just wish I was better about keeping up with all the blogs (and cough*thosethatblogsdaily*cough). hehe
Cheers, great idea!
Tamy, that’s such a great idea!