I was hoping to be able to tell you that this job was completed today, but alas, there will be one more day. The section left requires disconnecting the washer and dryer and a little more hassle.
We finished the last third of the larger side and then did under the stove.
One of the hardest sections was under the refrigerator ~ only because of the weight of the refrigerator and getting onto the new floor without damaging it. The heating vent that comes up from the floor was kind of a pain too!
The first view below is my favorite because it makes it look like it’s already done. The second view below is all we have left to do so hope to be done tomorrow and then be able to do the foyer tomorrow too.
Aren’t you nervous about waterstains, or cooking oils or dropping something on it, since it’s in the kitchen? I’d be eating out until it was sealed… hope it goes ok for you.
So much work! You did an awesome job!