This recipe originally ran at 3 sides of Crazy 12-14-08. It was cold and snowy here that day. A day that just cried for a really hot lunch! So I took to the freezer and refrigerator to see what there was (we hadn’t planned on being here so nothing had been planned) and I found some leftover BBQ beef (which I drained of all sauce), 1/2 a package of shredded cheddar cheese, a can of cream of celery soup, some pasta shells and a can of diced green chiles. This is tlso the most perfect recipe for leftover Pot Roast or roast beef. We had 6 servings for $4.29 or $0.72 cents per serving.
Left over shredded beef (technically 0.00 since it was already accounted for)
1 can cream of celery soup (.96)
3 cups AL DENTE pasta noodles (1.12)
1 can diced green chiles, drained (.89)
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (1.12)
- Drain chiles.
- Stir soup and chiles together.
- Stir in beef until well blended.
- Add pasta and mix well.
- Pour into a greased 9×9 baking dish and top with cheese.
- Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
This is my first post I’d like to congratulate you for such a great made forum!
thought this is a perfect way to make my first post!
Johnie Maverick
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My recipe is finally up, look forward to checking out the other posts. Thank you so much.
LOL Suzanne, I always keep grated cheese in the freezer for that weekend omelet and as for the BBQ beef, it had been a pot roast on Sunday for a family dinner everyone bailed on last minute due to weather and then BBQ beef on Monday so it only seemed fitting to turn it into something really yummy on Tuesday!
Your chile bake sounds delicious. First of all, I love that you happened to have cheese and leftover BBQ beef. I want to live at your house!
This sounds fantastic. Love the idea of this blog.
And it doesn’t seem low cost, in the sense that we aren’t talking Ramen noodles and dollar store food(I should not dis that. An older person I know buys most of her food at the dollar store and she swears they have good name brand foods). Cheap & tasty.
I hopped over from Martha’s link.
This sounds delish!! Great blog! Thank you all so much. I will work on my recipe and come back to link up.
Mine is up! 🙂