We are pleased to announce another new meme, What did you bake Today? which will be hosted by our contributor, Kristen from Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker on Fridays.
Kristen told me, “I am excited to host a dessert meme. I come from a family where dessert was often served for all three meals (if you count having pie for breakfast ~ which we often ate). I make at least 3 or 4 desserts a week for my family”. She’s a mom of 5 kids, teenage to preschool, who comes from generations of great bakers and loves keeping family recipes alive and sharing kitchen adventures. Most of her recipes are frugal and not for dieters, but she loves to throw in a nonconforming recipe now and then just to shake thinks up. Be sure to come back and check out Save Room for Dessert Friday at ThE KrAzY KiTcHeN.
I can’t wait! Welcome Kristen! 🙂