I did something today I try to NEVER do, but after all the work around here and getting ThE KrAzY KiTcHeN going, that I finally was forced to admit to myself that I had no other choice. I marked all read in google reader for the 1st time. I’m so sorry I’ve been so busy and hope to get back to reading and commenting regularly on all my favorites!
Don’t forget to stop by ThE KrAzY KiTcHeN to play along tomorrow.
Don’t forget to stop by ThE KrAzY KiTcHeN to play along tomorrow.
KIY ~ LMAO still
ALICE ~ Exactly!!
I hit that point ages ago. I was reading so much I stopped writing entirely.
Note to Self: Before asking a dumb question … click first. I found the recipe. 🙂
Heck, I’ve given up and know I will never catch up! Ah well. In fact, just today I went through my reader and set up a new folder. It’s for folks that I love and adore, than never fail to leave me a comment. It’s my “I’m Determined to Keep Up with These Fav Folks” folder. So, since you are getting a comment, you can see you are one! 🙂
Question, the recipe sounds great … no link? What am I missing? Hmmm, I will try the SDS link and your KK link. If they aren’t it, please share with me where I can find it? I know Jeff would LOVE LOVE LOVE this.
Cheers, Kiy
you go girl! i’m wondering if i’ll ever be caught up!