- BISQUE ~ A cream based fish or seafood soup.
- BORSCHT ~ A robust Russian stew made with beets, tomatoes, cabbage and sometimes meat.
- BOUILLABAISSE ~ A classic fisherma’s stew made with fish, shellfish, garlic, tomatoes, saffron and fennel.
- CHOWDER ~ comes from the French word Chaudiere which was a type of cauldron used to cook soup for large gatherings. The early American settlers made chowder with household staples like salt pork, local fish, sea biscuits and bread. In the 19th century potatoes replaced the crackers and milk or cream was added because of their rich flavor and great thickening properties.
- GAZPACHO ~ A pureed mixture of summer vegetables including tomatoes, cucumbers and onion.
- GUMBO ~ comes from the African word Quingombo, the word for Okra. A soup from Louisiana that is thickened with okra or sassafras root.
- MINESTRONE ~ A classic vegetable and bean soup from Italy.
- MULLIGATAWNY ~ An Indian soup that contains curried meat or seafood and is smothered in cream or coconut milk.
- POSOLE ~ A traditional Latin American stew with a hearty blend of chile peppers, vegetables, hominy and stock.
- POTAGE ~ means ‘special of the day’ and is usually made with the freshest of seasonal ingredients.
- SEVICHE ~ Fresh, raw seafood marinated in an acid like tomato or lemon juice. The acid “cooks” the fish removing the raw taste.
- STEW ~ the browning of small pieces of meat then simmered with vegestables and enough liquid to cover it all.
- VICHYSSOISE ~ A chilled classic French pureed soup made with potatoes, leeks, stock and heavy cream.
Come on over & join us at OuR KrAzY kItChEn tomorrow for our new meme. We’re launching it just in time for fall. We want to gather all those great recipes for the cold winter nights that are headed our way.
VICHYSSOISE sounds terrible, but it is delicious! this was a very interesting 13!
you are so informative!! thanks Tammy!
I loooveee soup!
Not much of a soup fan myself, just an occasional lobster bisque at the best place in the world for it (the Lobster Hut, Plymouth MA) now I’m really thinking of that. Too bad it’s such a long road trip to go have some!
Not much of a soup fan myself, just an occasional lobster bisque at the best place in the world for it (the Lobster Hut, Plymouth MA) now I’m really thinking of that. Too bad it’s such a long road trip to go have some!
Wonderful information to have on hand! Thanks for sharing. I’ll be sure to check out the new meme tomorrow! 🙂
thanks for this quick guideline but what about stoup
Oh, cool post!! Soup is one of my favorite things….in any form!
Mmmm. I love soups. Your post makes me hungry.
mmmmm bisque. you’re making me hungry!!
I never knew there were so many soups!
My husband and I were just talking about soup last night. It’s the cold weather. Perfect soup time.
Excellent and handy – for me – list.
I’d like a bowl of each, please. Maybe two of the chowder. 🙂
I am not a soup eater, I just never have been, even though everyone else in my family loves it. But I still enjoyed your list, some of those I had never heard of. Very interesting, I never would have thought that there was 13 different types of soup.
Happy TT!