- Visine is a fast fix for a sudden break out. It constricts the blood vessels soothing the redness and swelling.
- Toothpaste will do the same thing.
- Club soda will help loosen a rusty bolt.
- A club soda dampened cloth used to wipe down chrome faucets will remove water spots and soap scum.
- Soak your genuine gems in club soda over night and they will sparkle by morning.
- Rinse your hair in club soda after swimming will prevent chlorine from turning your hair green.
- 6 cloves of garlic in 2 tablespoons of olive oil cured together for 2 days and then applied to your feet for 7 days will cure athlete’s foot.
- Apply a thin layer of egg white under your eyes. Allow it to dry and rinse with lukewarm water. The amino acids nourish the skin and tighten the pores to reduce inflammation.
- Kiwi slices are packed with skin smoothing anti-oxidants and vitamin C which soothes puffy skin and lightens dark circles.
- 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt will soothe a sunburn.
- 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt will de-spot copper pots. Rub it in and et it sit 5 minutes. Rinse with cool water and buff dry.
- Substituting yogurt in your favorite dip will reduce the fat by half.
- Harness the power of positive thinking by retraining your brain to focus on what you want, dreaming big, following the golden rule and filtering out the negative.
What a great list. I had heard that about toothpaste and visine. Some of these are new to me, though! That last one, about retraining the mind, is going to be so difficult, but I need to do it.
These are such useful tips, Tamy. You even included one for mental hygiene!
Hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
I need some club soda!
Thanks for the tips 😉
I’ve shared 13 things at Sacred Ruminations and Small Reflections this week … just because.
Hugs and blessings,
I had heard of a few of these. *making notes of others* Being a mom to 3 boys, many of these may come in handy.
Happy TT and Happy Turkey Day!