Chicken Bundles – What Did You Bake Today?

I did an inventory of the outside fridge and found two rolls of Pillsbury Crescent sheets. I feel ashamed to be using these store bought puffy pastries after Dave’s amazing post about homemade puffed pastries, but I am too frugal not to use what I have…next time, Dave, they will be homemade all the way….just wait.
I digress…Anyway, to use them up, I decided to make the old stand-by, Chicken Bundles. I also ended up creating something new that I will share below.
Chicken Bundles:
3 cups cooked chicken
1 8 ounce package cream cheese
1 small jar pimentos
1/4 cup chopped green onions
2 packages crescent rolls or sheets

Mix chicken with cream cheese, pimentos and green onions. Spread out the cresent sheets. If you are using the rolls, pinch them together to form one giant rectangle. Cut each big rectangle into 4 pieces. Place about 1/3 cup of chicken mixture onto one half of each piece. Fold the other half of the crescent piece over the chicken mixture. Using a fork, seal the edges. Bake 400 degrees 15 minutes.
If, like me, you happen to have a lot of chicken mixture left over and you realize that you need more dinner to feed your crew, get out a box of chicken flavored Stove Top and make it up really quick….Place the chicken mixture on the bottom of a microwave safe bowl and top with the Stove Top. Heat for 5 minutes in the microwave and Voila! you have a new and surprisingly delicious main dish.
Don’t forget about the Oatmeal challenge….link up your recipes using Oatmeal on January 29th.
What Did You Bake Today?

These look good! I need to try something stuffed in pastry…I do make Pasty Pie, which was traditionally a single-serving “pocket” pie, but I always make it in a pie plate. Hmmmm. I think I’ll buy a box of puff pastry next time I’m in town and see what happens!


I love things like this and love the quick and easy casserole idea too Kristen. Both are the kinds of quick and simple things I would make for my family during the week. I call my weekday cooking half homemade – it sure beats frozen or fast food any day and in all ways!


What a lovely baked chicken pastry..-i get a remonder everyday that i should be trying a puff pastry soon and am glad i do thanks to u guys-have linked up first time for this new year and hope to be a part of most of these lovely virtual parties…cheers…

Sweet and Savory

Kristen, You and Dave have proven the versatility of puff pastry. Maybe, I should try something for next week. No promises. I have three packages in the freezer. All they have done is multiply.