I’m so excited…

I’ve been blogging for 3 years now and have met some great people.  There are many I feel that are long lost friends that I have yet to meet. Well, at least IRL (in real life).  We chat, share stories about kids and recipes, whine about our days and sometimes our nights too, but it’s all virtual coffee chats.  
Well, that’s about to change.  Tomorrow I will finally meet Diana from Forgetfulone.  We’re having lunch.  Now I feel like I have known her forever.  We share many similar beliefs, values and opinions regarding just about everything. 
The funny thing is she sent me an email this morning and asked, “How will I know you?” Simple question right?  It just seems strange that for 3 years we’ve been communicating via email and blogs, on facebook and even sending Christmas cards back and forth and have not yet met, but still need to answer that question.  LOL In my mind it was more like how will you not?
I have to remember to take the camera so someone can take a shot of us.

aprons 3

Linda :)

It is so cool when you meet someone from online in person… I have met one in person, passed another in a crowd and talked on the phone with another….
Have a wonderful time!!!! 🙂