[from Latin trāditiō a handing down, surrender, from trādere to give up, transmit, from trans- + dāre to give]
1: an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (as a religious practice or a social custom) b : a belief or story or a body of beliefs or stories relating to the past that are commonly accepted as historical though not verifiable
2: the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction
3: cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions
4: characteristic manner, method, or style
5: The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication.
6: A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage.
7: A set of such customs and usages viewed as a coherent body of precedents influencing the present: followed family tradition in dress and manners.
8: A body of unwritten religious precepts.
9: A time-honored practice or set of such practices.
10: the handing down from generation to generation of the same customs, beliefs, etc., esp by word of mouth.
11: the body of customs, thought, practices, etc., belonging to a particular country, people, family, or institution over a relatively long period.
12: a specific custom or practice of long standing