Oh no the domino effect is in full force here!  I went out to the garage to ask hubby if he wanted upside down apple pie or key lime bars for dessert tomorrow night and the next thing you know I was cleaning out and packing up totes for storage.  

I’m not really complaining because it is a beautiful day and as long as you stay in the sun, it isn’t too cool.  So I got a couple dozen boxes gone through and created this pile for goodwill.

And this pile is for recycling…

And these totes are for storage.

While I was out there, I saw these geese.  There were thousands of them and they just kept going in circles.  Evidently the sunny day confused them as they finally left heading east into the snowy mountains.

And 2 hours later  I’m off to make that pie finally.

Linda :)

A very good use of your distraction… Great job! I can’t wait til next week of being on vacation so I can create some piles from cleaning out… 🙂