We’re talking SERIOUS triple digit heat around here and now they’re adding 50% humidity to the mix so it was time to bring out the BIG guns – ICES with a KICK!  Next time I won’t bother with the popsicles, but just make these as small sorbet bowls in small ramekins.

1 cup water
1/2 cup superfine sugar
3 tablespoons pomegranate juice
1 cup orange juice
3 ounces Malibu Coconut Rum

  • Whisk together the water and sugar in a small saucepan and bring to a SLOW boil. Simmer for 5 minutes and then remove from heat.
  • Combine 2 tablespoons of the sugar syrup with the pomegranate juice.
  • Divide into 6 popsicle molds.
  • Place molds in freezer for 2 hours.
  • Combining remaining sugar mixture with orange juice and rum, cooling completely.
  • After 2 hours, whisk orange juice mixture thoroughly and top off popsicle molds.
  • Return molds to freezer for 2 more hours.
  •  Add popsicle sticks and freeze completely.  Overnight works best.