Despite getting my yearly well woman exams I had been having a few pains here and there for several months before my scheduled appointment, but ignored them because they “mimicked” my chronic appendix of many, many years. I ignored them and it almost killed me. Are YOU ignoring something that you should be having a doctor check? Think twice and make an appointment 1st thing tomorrow.
Ovarian cancer has an ugly step sister too, breast cancer. If you have any family history please get tested for BRCA also. You have probably heard about it with a few celebrities having chosen to remove their breasts after testing positive. It’s a simple blood test and can give you a world of relief to know the answer and if by chance it’s not relief, then your are armed to save your life with positive choices. You can learn more about it here.
Here are a few other tips to get you started.
- Stay away from tobacco.
- Stay at a healthy weight.
- Get moving with regular physical activity.
- Eat healthy with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
- Limit how much alcohol you drink (if you drink at all).
- Protect your skin.
- Know yourself, your family history, and your risks.
- Have regular check-ups and cancer screening tests.
- For information on how to reduce your cancer risk and other questions about cancer, please call us anytime, day or night, at 1-800-227-2345 or visit us online at
Now if everyone else did, maybe the cancer rates would lower.
I agree, great reminder!
Thanks Shannon. I feel blessed every day by how mine worked out and know deep down that awareness and preventative steps is what will eventually help others to not be a statistic in one of the highest mortality cancers around.
Excellent post Tamy! A great reminder to all women.