Okay it’s here – It’s finally Football Season!!!
Don’t forget to join us and link up all your favorite tailgating goodies throughout the entire 2014-2015 football season!The links for last season are here(2013) and the season before are here(2012).
VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITES TOO! Everyone gets 10 votes. VOTING WILL BEGIN noon on the day of the Superbowl and stay open through midnight.
No matter who you are rooting for we’ll have fun. I know not everyone enjoys football, but who can resist a good football food buffet? It’s time to start thinking about tailgating treats, appetizers, chips and dips, wings, and all the other yummy party things!
Martha over at Seaside Simplicity began Tailgating Time and it’s just plain fun not to mention a wonderful source for new recipes to try. We will repost the linky on or around the first of each month as a reminder.
Yay, it's football time! I don't have anything new to link up yet but I will this weekend! 🙂