I like the idea of having even one epiphany this next year, especially if it happens as the New Year begins. Epiphanies can lead to resolutions and my one and only resolution is the follow through it takes to make those Epiphanies come to life. See the pattern here? A nice big circle of completion!
While I don’t make a specific resolution list as I believe these lists can be a key to failure when you don’t/can’t accomplish the individual items, I do tend to make lists of the things I need to accomplish as a whole! This year I am NOT making a list Per Se, but committing to completing all the projects on my desk and in my pending file as soon as humanly possible. Unfortunately and realistically many of these can only be completed with divine intervention as they pertain to the VA and all the entanglements that go along with the biggest ball of bureaucratic red tape you have ever seen. My aim though is to become the SQUEAKIEST WHEEL EVER and clear my desk!
So I am scaring myself a little (okay ~ A LOT) with this commitment, but remember the age-old question is: ‘HOW DO YOU EAT AN ELEPHANT?’ And the answer will always be “ONE BITE AT A TIME!” Some bites will be smaller than others, but that’s okay too!
It also can’t hurt to start the year out with a little old fashioned good luck – Black Eyed Peas. I am making this year’s batch with the left over prime rib from Christmas – YUMMY!
1 can Trappey’s Black-eyed peas with bacon
+/- 2 cups shredded left over pot roast
1 can original Rotel tomatoes
1 1/2 cups V8
1 small HUNT’S tomato sauce
1 tablespoon Frank’s red hot sauce
1 package Williams Chili Seasoning packet
salt and pepper, to taste
water to desired consistency*
cheese bread or corn muffins
sour cream and onions to garnish
- Mix together everything except the bread and garnish in a stock pot.
- Bring to a boil.
- Reduce heat and simmer several hours until you can smell the chili calling you to the kitchen.
- Ladle into bowls and garnish.
- Enjoy!
*I use about 2 cups. I like to start thin and simmer until thick (2-3 hours) to allow the flavors to blend together.