We are ending week 5 on this project and are almost ready to begin the transformation – FINALLY. We are still waiting for a large piece of furniture to be removed, but hubby took it apart today so it was ready for transport. It wouldn’t have traveled all assembled because of its rickety and fragile nature.
We got A HUGE surprise yesterday when an early Christmas present arrived from my mom. We love our new TV – THANK YOU!! Last night we watched my favorite Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful life!
Hubby has been working diligently to get as much detritus out of the house before the dumpster gets here so that it is here for the shortest amount of time possible.
The electrician was here yesterday and disconnected the non-working appliances so hubby pulled those out today and our backyard is starting to look like the local dump. I can’t wait until the dumpster arrives and we are rid of all the crap. Hard to believe this was a “self-cleaning” oven.
At the end of the day the new kitchen shape is really taking shape. Soffits and faux wall and all appliances are gone! Hopefully we’ve encountered the last rat’s nest, but we always wear our gloves and stay vigilant.
We have found so many oddities here that nothing surprises us anymore.
When we moved here we left behind some really wonderful friends, leaving them behind was even a deciding factor in the move. They have 3 young munchkins that I just adore and miss SO much. We decided to do “cousin” elfs and I post my pictures to Instagram so the kids see them each day. We are really having some fun with this one.