We are anxious to get the backyard done in time to enjoy it for a bit before the weather gets any hotter which won’t be long here.

This is today’s rock and brick find. My fingers will NEVER be the same. Even with gloves on and using tools to dig everything has been buried deep and the roots from the overgrown Magnolia tree we had to take out. It is also slow going because of the roots and the clay base. At one point I was using a serving spoon to try and get into some tight areas.

When the last repair was made here, it was a serious crap job sloped and mounded and made of low quality cement. It was a serious accident waiting to happen. Hubby is installing everything to code and keeping it level to create a regular step that is safe. Because of the humidity and moisture here he did a little overkill on the bolts to keep all the pieces together.

He has the step framed and I was able to use most of today’s brick and stone finds to help hold the brace board (the board we will be leveling up to from the rest of the yard) in place. We’ll order the sand this next week. We think it will take even more sand than we originally thought so will be doing this like an archaeological dig and cordon the area off in sections.

Tomorrow’s job is to start getting the fence planks below into place for the “inside” “PRETTY” side of the fence.

[…] DAY 445 UPDATE of the HOUSE FROM HELL […]