I have to admit I drug my feet on writing this post. I think I must have been in denial about this year being so different to begin with because of the COVID pandemic. I didn’t want to decorate because we were not going to have our 3rd annual Munchkin baking day, nor have anyone over for Christmas eve or Christmas day…
But, hubby convinced me to do a little decorating and as I finished the decorating today, I realized that the best thing I can do for next year is to do less!
With Christmas being my favorite holiday I tend to collect A LOT. So, when I pack up this year I’ll start by separating things into must keep because there is sentimental value and things I can donate. I will label the things I’m keeping and use entirely different decorations, bulbs and ornaments next year. I’ll continue this process over the next couple years until it is ALL organized and sorted.
I have parted with so much of mine too. I love lots to the kids for their homes and sent lots off to Goodwill too. I’ve mostly only kept things that are sentimental.
Sentimental minimalist is working for me! 😀