Flood waters have receded thankfully, but it’s still raining and EVERYTHING is water logged, slimey and drenched, as well as saturated from the SUPER wet winter.We went from a normal rain event to flooding and snow within a VERY short time!!!

I was able to get a few pictures during a short break between storms and there are still many storms piling up to drop more rain and snow, but for now clean up has begun and things are returning to “normal”, whatever that is!

Normally a lazy creek, NOT a river.

Normally a green grassy area. The road behind it collapsed and was replaced yesterday.
It happened so fast that many businesses didn’t sand bag soon enough. And sump pumps couldn’t keep up. Even if they had, there was no where to pump to 🙁
Thankfully the river crested several hours before this. While it was a record high it was NOT THE record high from many years ago.
We don’t normally have a river behind the house. Storm drain are under there somewhere, but at capacity.


Being from Houston I understand east Texas flooding – we were there during hurricane Harvey. The good news is Texas is better prepared to deal with it than Douglas county 🙂

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