Do you still send “snail mail” Christmas cards? 😀 I do! I know a lot of people have stopped or send virtual cards, but I’m a die hard on this one. I just love sending and getting Christmas cards in the mail. But, I fear they are becoming a thing of the past. Unfortunately I receive fewer and fewer each year it seems. Vitual cards just aren’t the same to me. AND I can’t reuse virtual cards to make the next year as gift tags.
I even painted a set of old shutters in Christmas colors to display them.
I DO try to make my own Christmas cards when I can, and I PLANNED to do homemade again this year, but years like this last year full of issues sometimes finds me sending out box cards.
A local store carries boxed cards that are really nice quality, pretty cute and super affordable. I’m bound and determined that I WILL do homemade again next year 😀
I did try an annual letter a few times, but ended up in just doing a few paragraphs eventually hitting the highlights from throughout the year since.
Here are some cute wrapping ideas. I have been wrapping presents as I go again this year and able to spend a little more time decorating by doing it that way.
I love getting Christmas cards but I’m not always great about getting them sent out. I’m definitely hoping to manage it this year. My mom always made tags out of Christmas cards as well. And re-used the tags from year to year. Love the fun gift wrapping ideas!
funny you mention your mom saving the from year to year – I just wrapped a couple presents and was looking through the tags and found some old ones from hubby to me and vice versa that are probably 10 years old. 😀 I hope you get the cards out like you’d like 😀