I’m joining Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for Blogtober 2019. I’m joining a bit late, but I’ll try to catch up as I can. Her prompt today is “IN THE KITCHEN“.

Joining in today is a bit ironic as Sandra described the kitchen as her favorite room of the house which is mine too! Ever since I was old enough to read I have had a fascination with recipes and cooking. When I was young the kitchen was where my family always gathered for meals, but also to catch up with each other, celebrate or play board games. Whether it was grams cooking Sunday dinner or my dad preparing Thanksgiving dinner, the kitchen is a place that holds a lot of GREAT memories for me.

The kitchen above is one of the designs in my head that I love to dream about having someday. The kitchen no matter the house we’re in is where I brainstorm for new recipes, read cookbooks cover to cover and tag the pages I want to try, plan most of my blog posts and enjoy myself the most! I’m a strange woman – I actually like to do dishes and clean! So the kitchen is really my favorite room! I LOVE all the aromas of simmering sauces or baking breads and sweets. Each one gives me a sense of accomplishment or brings back a tender memory of a family recipe.

I really LOVE the antique recipes I have come across over the years and recreating them to the best of my ability or seeing one of the recipes written by my grams and the memories of making it again brings. But, I also love technology, new gadgets and bringing those same recipes into the 21st century.