The very first thing I’d like to stress is that BLOGMAS is supposed to be FUN and stress free! By doing this “schedule” prompt list ahead of time it allows ALL of us to write posts as we have the time to do it. I often sit and do many of these posts ahead of time while watching TV with hubby in the evenings.
Participating in BLOGMAS helps get me in and keeps me in the Christmas spirit. I’m not even doing a linky this year. We’ll just know to visit from the link left in a comment. It’s a lot of fun to read about each other’s traditions and family recipes and pictures.
These days our holiday schedule is much more lax than in years past and revolve around the USPS final day to ship or mail schedule. My shopping is done on weekdays in the middle of the day and well before the actual day. This requires quite a bit of thought process to make my lists and not forget any items, but I’ve found over the years that I REALLY enjoy the holiday so much more when I stick to this type of schedule and avoid crowds all together.
Being in a small town helps quite a bit to maintain this type schedule. I even went out on BLACK Friday, but not until after 10AM purely by “accident and necessity” after having to cancel our Thanksgiving trip. BUT, I was pleasantly surprised by how kind and orderly people were as well how much shopping I accomplished with the sales. I also did my part on Saturday by shopping at my local gift shop run by the sweetest little old ladies for SHOP SMALL SHOP LOCAL SATURDAY. 😀