Recipe rewind, because in the beginning there is a blogger who has no readers. She still posts great food in hopes that the readers will come……….you can also view it here in the archives, Sunday March 27, 2011.
I am a real sucker for the sweet/salty combination. If you are, you must make this. Or at least remember this recipe, for those times when you need a treat, a gift for others, or a project to work on with someone special.
Me and pretzels go way back, I eat them often. I offered this delicious Roasted Pretzels snack some time ago. So falling hard for this pretzel toffee, was very easy!
Pretzel Toffee
adapted from: My Kind of Cooking
small twist pretzels, a 9oz bag will be more than plenty
1 c butter
1 c brown sugar
2 c chocolate chips, a 12 oz bag
Line a 10X15 inch jelly roll pan with foil. Cover the surface of the foil with pretzels, leaving no empty spaces. Set pan aside. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
In a medium size sauce pan, melt butter, stir in sugar. Bring to a boil over medium high heat, allow to boil 2 minutes, adjusting heat as needed to keep a bubbling boil. Do not cook longer than the 2 minutes.
This is the boiling stage you want to maintain for the 2 minutes.
Pour butter mixture evenly over the pretzels, carefully place pan into the oven. Bake 7 – 10 minutes.
Check after 5 minutes to make sure the sugar mixture is not getting too dark around the edges.
Remove from oven, sprinkle chocolate chips over the surface.
Let stand 10 minutes, carefully spread chocolate over surface of the candy.
Let cool, then refrigerate to chill. This will assist in breaking the toffee into pieces.
Break toffee, place in decorative bowl and watch the compliments come your way. This is seriously good!
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