Cost Cap: $20 (not including shipping) Theme Colors: Orange & Yellow Details/Rules: Fill a container with SIX items in the theme of summer and orange & yellow. 1 – You must include at least ONE HANDMADE ITEM and ONE THRIFTED ITEM. 2 – You can use anything as your container, be creative! (Does not HAVE to be a bucket) You must decorate your container in the theme of the swap. BONUS: We will have a prize for the most creative container used! Details to come on the contents of the prize package. 3 – Have fun! were the parameters, so:
An antique hat box worked really well to decorate with the yellow and orange summer theme as well as fill with goodies to make it safer and easier for shipping. I filled the hat box with fun things for summer. I included a Tupperware yellow drink pitcher (thrifted item) filled with orange crystal light drink mix for when she sits at the beach or outside and writes letters on the yellow and orange moon and stars laser cut stationery on the bottom. There’s a wooden hand painted stamp roll (hand made item) to hold her roll of stamps for when she finishes her letters. There is also a box of orange (peanut butter) Girl Scout cookies to munch on while she writes as well as an Orange Smoothie drink mix and Artichoke parmesan dip mix. Don’t forget the sunflower coasters to set her drink on or the orange and yellow spatulas and matching tea towel to use to make more cookies for when she runs out. When she’s done with her letters there’s orange poppy seeds to plant and orange and yellow star post-its to write all her “I need to remember” notes on. There was the cutest orange and yellow duck that just begged to be included!
The second swap was done after a bit of confusion, but I feel really lucky to get 2 swap partners. Summer swaps are so much fun. Jane said she loves to quilt and do lots of crafts. So, I found this great yellow and orange throw blanket in grandma’s footchest and thrifted it from her garage sale. I figured Jane is so busy having fun that the orange marinater would come in handy and then I filled it with fun things like lemonheads, orange tic tacs, yellow and orange ribbon, yellow and orange star post-it notes, flourescent yellow and orange note pads, orange and yellow tye-dye craft felt and pipe cleaners, some orange and yellow scrapbook sayings, an orange votive in a palm tree holder, 2 great oak quilt holders and a handmade sunflower ‘dishes are clean and dirty’ magnet.

Hi Tamy! I realized when I got your email today about our new swap that I never made it over to see your summer swap stuff! WOW! Your packages are great that you sent AND received!! Sorry it took me so long to visit!