Okay, I admit it, I got sucked in like the rest the world with Pampered Chef and their cooking parties. I’ll also admit much of it has long since found its way onto Ebay or into the rummage sale pile. Now there are a few pieces I can’t live without:
- Mini Whip ~this is probably my most favorite ~ it helps get a smoother and creamier whip
- Batter Bowls ~ there just awesome sizes and perfect for everything
- Chopper ~ onions take no time at all ~ I did try my sis-in-laws OXO brand when I was there at Thanksgiving and have to admit they improved the design and my next one will be an OXO
- Stoneware ~ baked dips, cinnamon rolls, meat loafs never tasted so good and once they’re properly seasoned, the clean-up is a snap.
- Scrapers ~ they made these for their stoneware pieces and easy clean-up, but since I don’t need them for those (mine are really well seasoned) I use them on my cast iron pans. Both the stoneware and cast iron should not have soap used on them to prevent changing your flavor base.
- Prep bowls ~ they’re good for everything from getting all the ingredients ready for a meal (which is their actual purpose) to individual Jell-O servings and beyond.
I’m a Pampered Chef junky… I have a lot of their tools, but I do use them… The mini-whipper and the chopper are my favorite and get used on an almost daily basis. I actually have 3 mini-whippers, 2 in the kitchen and 1 in the diaper bag (since I’ll have to do formula)