~*~Menu Plan Monday & 5 Night Dinner Challenge~*~

hosted by I’m an Organizing Junkie

Done in conjunction with Favorite Ingredient Friday hosted by Overwhelmed with Joy and 5 night dinner challenge hosted by Sommer designs.
  • Monday ~ Stuffed Spinach Manicotti Shells & Salad
  • Tuesday ~ Grilled Mahi Mahi & Salad
  • Wednesday ~ Hamburger steaks & green beans & twice baked potatoes
  • Thursday ~ Saucy baked Chicken & Glazed carrots
  • Friday ~ Beef Stew & Salad
  • Saturday ~ Pork Chops & Potatoes Au Gratin
  • Sunday ~ BBQ Beef & baked beans

Grilled mahi-mahi, yum!! Your week looks delicious. (Thanks for stopping by my blog. My best friend told me just the other day that she’d made the 7-up steak with ginger ale and it was great.)

Mary Ellen

I can’t tell you how impressed I am that you can work on re-habbing a house (ha! your house is in re-hab!)and even think about making well thought-out meals. As for the dog vs. couch; He looks pretty smart, I’m not counting him out just yet.