“it’s really quite simple: as a participant, you will be asked to choose at least three objects (I don’t think anyone would mind if you decide to send more) that are some of YOUR favorite things to send to your partner… maybe it’s an apron you made, your new favorite book, or that favorite flavor of lip gloss. be creative & most importantly have fun with it! objects can be new or vintage, bought or handmade… just remember, it is best to send something the you’d be pleased & excited to receive yourself.
ready to join the fun? please e-mail your particulars to accordingtokelly@yahoo.com. sign-ups will be open until friday, june 6th… so get your friends involved! upon receiving your “rsvp” I will send out a confirmation email, if you don’t hear from me, email me again, sometime emails can get lost & i don’t want anyone left out in the cold!”
Now I don’t know about you, but always remember a Dear Abby I read that said you should always give gifts that you wouldn’t mind having yourself. So if you agree with that statement, this is the swap for you! Hurry and don’t miss Kelly’s deadline.